A Certain Lack of Focus

Friday, November 07, 2008

Illustration Friday: Wise

This is the first time I've participated in Illustration Friday in AGES. This week's topic is Wise.
masterWhen I saw the topic I immediately thought of the faeries from my novel. This is a sketch of a character called "the Master," who resembles the devil, which is not an accident. Really though, the character is more bitter and desperate than truly evil. In spite of everything, I've gotten to quite like him as I've written the novel, or at least feel sorry for him.


get zapped said...

Thank you for sharing this wise character. It's nice hearing about your book.

Tessa said...

Fantastic line work and a really interesting take on the topic. Great!

Jane said...

Hey, quite a sophisticated Devil.
Wonder what he's thinking?

INDIGENE said...

Wonderful details and line work!


Meagan said...

Thanks all. There will probably be more of this character at some point.