A Certain Lack of Focus

Tuesday, April 08, 2008


Ok well treehead actually but the pun was too good to resist. Another drawing from my teen years.flowersJust a head's up (ha) that I'll be a bit sporadic in my posting for a bit (shocking I'm sure). I've been inspired by this blog to make a directory of art blogs. I'm working on coding now and hope to have it up by the end of the week. (we'll see how that one goes...)


Lianne said...

Ooo, that's a cool concept with the tree growing out of her head. You should try re-drawing these illustrations now that you're older. I'm curious to see what changes you'd make.

Good luck with the art blog directory! It's a good idea!

Meagan said...

Glad you think so... I'll let you know when it's up and running and you're on it!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your directory. Let me know when it's running and I'd love to post on it. These sites are lots of work, but rewarding.